Create New Member Account

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Create New Member Account
Member Types:

Create New Member Account

As a school or clinical coordinator, follow these steps to create a new member account. To use our bulk upload process and create several new members at once, please see our Bulk Upload New Member Help Desk Guide.

NOTE: This article will show how to create a student account. However, this process can be used for any member type other than Admin Accounts (Student, Faculty, Preceptor, etc.).

Step 1:

From your Home Page, click the "Members" tab in your navigation bar and select the preferred member type (Student, Faculty, Preceptor, etc.) under the "Affiliation" column.

access to members under affiliation through the member tab

Step 2:

Click "Create" at the top of the table, then click "Add One Student" from the drop-down menu.

Manage Students Affiliated Menu, Create Tab and then select Add One Student

Step 3:

Complete the required fields on the Create One Student page and click "Save" to finish or "Save & Add Another".

This will create the new member's account and send the member a Verification Email. Once they verify their account, they will receive a Welcome Email.

  • Access/Membership Start Date refers to the start of their annual membership period and marks when the member gains access to ACEMAPP. Members can access their ACEMAPP account 30 days before the Access Due Date to begin completing their requirements and learning materials. The Access Due Date should be set based on the date by which members need to have their requirements completed. Typically, 2-3 weeks before the start date of the rotation.

  • Access End Date refers to when the member is moved from an "Active" status with your organization to a "Graduated" status. After the Access End Date passes, the member will no longer be affiliated with your organization in ACEMAPP. An affiliation request will be sent to the student to re-establish a connection.

how to create partial member info and click save

Step 4:

If the member already has an ACEMAPP account, an affiliation request will need to be sent to them.

Verify the Program(s) and Access End Date (if applicable) and click "Save."

NOTE: The member MUST log in to their ACEMAPP account and approve this request before they appear active in your Affiliated Members table.

This picture shows affiliation request

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

The 365-day access period for any billable member type.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

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