Article: Rotation Member Audit

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Rotation Member Audit
Member Types:

The Member Audit screen allows you to view a member's status and when that status has changed for that Rotation.

Step 1:

Click the "Rotations" button from your home screen to open the Rotations table.

User nav bar highlighting Rotations button.

Step 2:

Find the Rotation want to view the Member Audit for and click on the "Edit" (pencil) button next to the Rotation.

Rotations table example highlighting Edit button.

Step 3:

Click on the "Member Audit" tab in the navigation bar at the top of the rotation page.

Rotaton Edit example highlighting Member Audit button.

This will show the Member History for the Rotation, including the Limbo, Active, or Deleted status for each member ever assigned to the Rotation under the Status After column.

  • Limbo: The member still needs to meet Pre-Compliance. This is usually onboarding items set up by the School partner and includes the ACEMAPP Profile and Membership.
  • Active: The member has met Pre-Compliance, but may have additional items to complete for the Clinical Site to meet full compliance.
  • Deleted: The member was removed from the Rotation roster

Member Audit example.

NOTE: Member compliance does not affect the rotation assignment.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

The 365-day access period for any billable member type.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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