Article: Time Log Report

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Time Log Report
Member Types:

ACEMAPP Time Log report provides a table and spreadsheet of time spent at your clinical.

NOTE: This report only provides data on APPROVED time logs.

Step 1:

From your student home page, click "Time Log"

Member nav-bar highlighting Time Logs button.

NOTE: If you do not see the Time Logs icon on your home page, click "More," and from the dropdown, click the "Time Logs" button.

Step 2:

If you have multiple types of Time Logs, the Time Log screen will open by default with a table of all available Time Log Types, allowing you to select the appropriate type. From the table, click the link for the log type you wish to open. If you only have one available type, skip to Step 3

Time Log Types table highlighting List button.

NOTE: Logs created seven or more days ago and are still 'Pending Approval' will be highlighted in red.

Step 3:

Click the "Time Log Report" button to open the report configuration.

Time Log table highlighting Time Log Report button.

Step 4:

Complete fields or select filters to narrow down the information you want. The more filters you apply, the fewer results you will receive. Click "Apply Filters" to adjust the Results Table. The results will list the Log #, Encounter Date, Member's Name, Preceptor's Name, Course (rotation number and course name), and Time on report, as well as any Specialty or Skills selected.

Time Log Report filter options example.

NOTE: The "Date Start" and "Date End" use the "Encounter Date," not the rotation date.

Step 5:

To export the results, click the "Export" button. The export will also include any notes saved with the Time Log.

Time Log Report Results highlighting Export button.

Historical Time Log Report

Step 1:

From any screen, click on your name in the top right of your screen and click "Manage" to open the manage screen.

Avatar/Name dropdown button highlighting Manage button.

Step 2:

Click on "Historical Time Logs" to open a complete listing of all Time Logs. Manage page navigation panel highlighting Historical Time Logs button.

Step 3:

Click on the "Reports" button. Historical Time Logs example highlighting Reports button.

Step 4:

You may have more than one type of Time log filled in. Select the appropriate Time Log type to open that report. If you do not have more than one type of Time Log, you are automatically directed to the Historical Time Log Report.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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