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Viewing Evaluation Results
Member Types:
If your organization allows faculty reporting on evaluations, follow the process here to view evaluation results.
Community Evaluation Report
Member Types:
This report displays the responses of connected professionals who have completed their evaluations
Faculty User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment. Your responsibility is to stay up to date with your ACEMAPP account, including checking your inbox for reminders and alerts.
Evaluation Results Report Page
Member Types:
Report on aggregate and individual evaluation results.
Evaluation Member List
Member Types:
Use the evaluation member list to view member evaluations and their status. Evaluations can be reset and deleted from the member list.
Completing Evaluation Awaiting Approval
Member Types:
When you receive a notification that you have an evaluation "Awaiting Approval," follow these steps to review the evaluation and sign off electronically.
Evaluation Committee Member
Member Types:
Evaluation committee members review and approve completed evaluations.
Checking Evaluation Completion Status
Member Types:
If your organization allows access to check evaluation completion status, follow the steps below to view the status of member evaluations.
ACEMAPP Reporting
Member Types:
ACEMAPP's Reporting feature allows administrators and clinical coordinators to pull information from within ACEMAPP. Coordinators can select from the multiple reporting options and build and save custom reports for regularly ran queries.
Create Custom Report
Member Types:
The Create Custom report allows you to build your own report to gather the information you need in ACEMAPP. This report uses updated logic and an algorithm for speedier results.
Assure Reporting
Member Types:
Please see the selected ACEMAPP reports that will pull Assure requirement data. Be sure to choose Reporting by "Rotation" and the "Assure Member" type where applicable or "Assure Package" for the (rotation) experience type.
Managing Evaluations
Member Types:
Generate and distribute customized evaluations to your members.
Faculty Document Manager
Member Types:
The Faculty Document Manager is a feature that (when enabled by the school) allows faculty to manage student requirement documents associated with any rotation they are assigned to.
Faculty Document Access
Member Types:
Faculty document access allows faculty members assigned to a rotation to manage requirement documents associated with that rotation. Schools may contact ACEMAPP Customer Support to enable the faculty document manager feature.
Profile Completion Report
Member Types:
After the rotation is approved and everyone assigned to the rotation shows compliance, you will receive an email with a Profile Completion Report attached. You may also access an up-to-date Profile Completion Report in ACEMAPP.
Time Log Report
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Time Log reports provide you with a table and spreadsheet of time spent at your clinical.
Faculty Time Log Review
Member Types:
When students submit their Time Logs, you can review them as one of your entities coordinators. You can also pull a report and filter by your specific needs.  
Faculty Case Log Review
Member Types:
The Case Log feature allows students to enter their clinical experiences and track patient encounters. When students submit their Case Logs, you can review them as Faculty. You can also pull a report and filter by your specific needs.
Onboarding Progress Report
Member Types:
The Onboarding Progress report lets you view the completeness of members (i.e., Students, Faculty, etc.) assigned to approved and pending rotations. The list will also display members (i.e., Students, Faculty, etc.) with missing requirements and whether the roster has been sent.
View Faculty Postings
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Careers allows faculty to search for and match with faculty postings. 
Reporting Dashboard
Member Types:
ACEMAPP offers a wide range of reports that can be accessed from the reporting dashboard. This article explains how to personalize the view of your most frequently used reports by organizing your favorites.
Case Log Report
Member Types:
Case Log Reports will take all case logs attached to your account and present them in a more user-friendly format.  You can generate reports at any time to monitor your experience and type of experience.
Preceptor Rotation Time Report
Member Types:
The Preceptor Rotation Time Report, reports on the attached preceptor and the total hours entered into the rotation itself. This report is not connected to Time or Case logs, but only reports on the rotation.
Member Types:
An affiliation is a connection between a member and an entity
Rotation Member Compliance Report
Member Types:
The Rotation Member Compliance report shows all non-compliant members by rotation, along with a list of their incomplete requirements.