Article: On Site Report

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On Site Report
Member Types:

View members on-site for rotations at/from partnering organizations on any given date. Use optional filters, such as course, unit, or partner, to narrow your results. You may email members directly from this report and export results to a CSV format.


From your home screen, click the "Reporting" button to open the Reporting Dashboard.

Entity navbar highlighting Reporting button.

Step 2:

On the Reporting Dashboard, click "Members" or "View All" and in the search, type "On-Site."

Click on the "Run Report" button.

Reporting dashboard highlighting run report button on the On-Site tile.

Step 3:

Select the member type and dates (required) and any other optional filters you choose. Click "Submit" to run the report.

On site report filter options highlighting select a date field and Submit button.

Step 4:

Your report will generate with options to Export Selected, Export All, Email Selected, and/or Reset the Form.

Report results highlighting email selected and export dropdown buttons.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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ACEMAPP Reporting
ACEMAPP's Reporting feature allows administrators and clinical coordinators to pull information from within ACEMAPP. Coordinators can select from the multiple reporting options and build and save custom reports for regularly ran queries.