Article: Preceptor Time Report by Entity

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Preceptor Time Report by Entity
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Preceptor Time Report by Entity

If you track your preceptors in ACEMAPP and use Time Logs, this report will break down all preceptor's time by entity location.

Step 1:

From your Home Page, click on the "Reporting" tab in your navigation bar to go to your Reporting Dashboard.

Home Screen nav bar highlighting Reporting icon

Step 2:

Click on "View All" to show you all reports in ACEMAPP. Then in the Search Field, you can search for Preceptor. Click "Run Report" on the Preceptor Time Report by Entity report to open the report.

view all tab and search Preceptor, then preceptor Time Report by Entity tile

Step 3:

The report separately lists First Name, Last Name, Email, Clinical Site, any Focus Areas, and Total Time for each Clinical Site.

NOTE: If a preceptor was at two different sites, that preceptor would have separate lines in the table.

Preceptor Time Report by Entity screen


  • Encounter Date Start: Entering a date in the start date will provide all encounters that start on or after that date.
  • Encounter Date End: Entering a date in the end date will provide all encounters that end before or on that date.
  • Time Log Type: If you only have one Time Log Type, the report will default to that type and automatically run. If you have more than one type, click the "Time Log Type" and select the appropriate type.
  • Focus Areas: Select a Focus Area to run only those logs that have this area filled in.

Export Results

You may also export the report to a CSV by clicking the "Export" icon on the top right of the table, then click the "Download CSV" button on the confirmation screen.

Preceptor Time Report by Entity highlighting export icon

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

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