Article: Customized Rotation Data

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Customized Rotation Data
Member Types:

Step 1:

From your homepage, click the "Reporting" tab to open the Reporting Dashboard.

User nav bar highlighting reporting button.

Step 2:

On the Reporting Dashboard, click "Rotation" and locate the "Customized Rotation Data" report. Click on the "Run Report " button.

Reporting Dashboard highlighting Run Report button on Customized Rotation Data tile.

Step 3:

Select your report filters.

Customized Rotation Data Report filters example.

  • View By: Choose to view report results in a table or calendar.
  • Entities: Select which partner entity was on the rotation.
  • Programs: Select which program the rotation was for.
  • Experience: Select the rotation experience type (Cohort, Precepted, Requested, etc.).
  • Statuses: Select which rotation status you would like to see (Accepted, Completed, Denied, etc.).
  • Terms: If your entity utilized school terms in ACEMAPP, you can select which term you wish to see.
  • Courses: If your entity uses Courses (Schools) or Units (Clinical Sites), you can select specific ones here.
  • Start Date (Start of Range): Enter a date to display rotations starting on or after the chosen date
  • Start Date (End of Range): Enter a date to display rotations starting on or before the chosen date

Step 4:

Select your fields by checking the boxes next to each field or dragging from "Available" to "Chosen." Then, click "Submit" to run the report.

Available and chosen fields panel highlighting submit button.

Step 5:

If this is a report you will run repetitively, save the report by entering a name and then clicking the "Save Query" button.

Customized Rotation Data Report filters panel highlighting Save this query field and save query button.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

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