Article: Create Assure Members and Assign Packages

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Create Assure Members and Assign Packages
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Create Assure Members and Assign Packages

This help desk guide provides instructions on creating Assure member accounts and assigning Assure packages.

Assure member accounts can be created individually or using the bulk upload process. If your members (students and clinical faculty) already have an ACEMAPP account, please skip to the last section on "Adding existing members to Assure."

Create One Assure Member

When creating an individual Assure account, please also assign the member to their Assure package (step 4).

Step 1:

From your school home page, click the "Members" dropdown, then under "Affiliation" click "Assure Member."

Members dropdown showing Assure member button.

Step 2:

Click the "+Create" dropdown, then click "+Add One Assure Member."

Create dropdown showing Add One Assure Member button.

Step 3:

Complete the required fields on the Create One Assure Member page, then click "Save" or "Save & Add Another."

This will create the new member's account and send the member a verification email. Once they verify their account, they will receive a welcome email.

NOTE: If a member already has an ACEMAPP account, after clicking "Save," you may be prompted to send an affiliation request. Confirm the end date and click "Save." The member will be notified of the pending request by email and must log in to approve the affiliation. Once the member approves the affiliation, you will get an email letting you know when they are active, and you can assign them to an Assure package.

Create One Assure Member page highlighting green save buttons.

Step 4:

Once you have created an Assure member's account, please assign the member to their Assure package. First, click the "Members" dropdown, then under "Affiliation" click "Assure Member" (shown in step 1). Check the box on the left next to the member's name, then click the "Select" dropdown and "Assign to Assure Package."

Manage Assure members affiliated table highlighting select dropdown and assign to Assure package button.

Step 5:

Click the "Assure Package" dropdown to select the package you want to assign to your selected members. Enter the "End Date." The "End Date" is when the member will be removed from the Assure package. Then, click "Save."

Bulk add members to assure packages page highlighting Assure package dropdown, package end date field, and save button.

Bulk Upload Assure Members

The bulk upload process allows Assure admins to create Assure member accounts and assign members to their Assure packages in one step. It also allows admins to add members as students or clinical faculty.

Step 1:

From your school home page, click the "Members" dropdown, then under "Affiliation" click "Assure Member."

Members dropdown showing Assure member button.

Step 2:

Click the "+Create" dropdown, then click "+Bulk Upload."

Manage Assure members (affiliated) table highlighting create dropdown and bulk upload button.

Step 3:

Click "Download Template" to download the CSV template.

Bulk upload assure members page highlighting the download template button.

Step 4:

Enter member information into the CSV file. In the "Package Name" field, enter the name of the Assure package to which the member should be assigned. Click the "Available Packages" tab on the bulk upload page to see a list of your organization's packages.

The "Is Student" and "Is faculty" columns should say "No" if you only want to add the member as an Assure member. To add the member as a student or clinical faculty member and an Assure member, enter "Yes" in the appropriate column.

The "Package End Date" is when the Assure member will be removed from their assigned package. The "Access End Date" is the date the member will be moved to graduated status as a student or clinical faculty member with your school.

Once all members have been entered into the spreadsheet, save the file as a CSV. Then, click the "Browse" button to upload the CSV and click "Save."

Bulk upload page highlighting browse and save buttons.

Step 5:

After clicking save, you will see a table of the uploaded members. Confirm that the information in the table is correct, then click "Confirm." Please note that any members appearing with a status other than "Good!" will not be processed. You may click "Start Over" to resolve errors and re-upload the CSV file or click "Confirm" to proceed and return to these members later.

Bulk upload page highlighting confirm and start over buttons

Step 6:

After confirming, the table will update to display the completed actions for the member's account. Any members that show as "Not Processed" were not created successfully. Please revise the CSV file and resolve any errors, then upload these members.

NOTE: Members with existing ACEMAPP accounts not affiliated with your organization will receive a pending affiliation request, which they must approve. Members in "pending member approval" status after bulk upload will not be assigned to the package indicated in the bulk upload CSV spreadsheet. Once the member approves the affiliation, you will get an email letting you know when they are active, and you can assign them to an Assure package. Please refer to steps 4 and 5 of the "Create One Assure Member" section of this guide (above) to assign these members to their Assure package once they have approved the affiliation request.

Bulk upload page highlighting result column

Adding Existing Members to Assure

If your students or clinical faculty members already have ACEMAPP accounts, please follow the steps below to add them as Assure members and assign them to their Assure package.

Step 1:

From your home page, click the "Members" dropdown, then under "Affiliation," click "Student" or "Clinical Faculty." Members dropdown highlighting student button under affiliation.

Step 2:

Check the box on the left next to the member's name, then click the "Select" dropdown. Click "Assign to Assure Package."

Manage students affiliated table highlighting select dropdown and assign to Assure package button.

Step 3:

Select the Assure package you would like to assign the member to. Then, click "Save." This will add the member as an Assure member and assign them to their package. If a member already has an ACEMAPP account, after clicking "Save," you may be prompted to send an affiliation request. Confirm the end date and click "Save."
NOTE: The member will be notified of the pending request by email and must log in to approve the affiliation. Once the member approves the affiliation, you will get an email letting you know when they are active, and you can assign them to an Assure package.

Bulk add members to Assure packages table highlighting assure package dropdown and package end date field.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

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