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Member Types:
Please follow these steps to create a rotation request with one of your partnered entities in ACEMAPP.
Review Rotation Requests
Member Types:
Reviewing rotation requests is a vital part of coordinating clinical rotations effectively. This guide will lead you through various methods to review and manage these requests efficiently.
Overview of Rotation Request Form
Member Types:
Overview of the rotation request form explains the various features and functions when requesting a rotation.
Create Multiple Rotations in Bulk
Member Types:
Create multiple rotations at one time using the same Partner, Experience Type, and Program
Withdraw Approved Rotations
Member Types:
If you no longer need an approved rotation, please withdraw the rotation request to make it available to others.
Create Multiple Rotations with Spreadsheet
Member Types:
ACEMAPP allows School Coordinators to create and upload rotations from a CSV file. Additional rotations can be added after the CSV file has been uploaded.
Upload Files into an Existing Rotation
Member Types:
You now have the option to upload files directly into a rotation. This can be a helpful feature when there are additional items or information you wish to provide to the partnering entity.
View Rotation Catalog - Schools
Member Types:
Clinical sites set rotation availability using the rotation catalog. Schools and members can then view the rotation catalog and request available slots.
Rotation Conflict Checker
Member Types:
You can utilize the Conflict Checker to confirm there are no scheduling conflicts with other rotations. It scans for conflicts based on Unit, Start/End Date, Days of the Week, and Shift Start/End fields.
Create Custom Report
Member Types:
The Create Custom report allows you to build your own report to gather the information you need in ACEMAPP. This report uses updated logic and an algorithm for speedier results.
NE Ohio Consortium Schedule and Clinical Site Members
Member Types:
Rotation upload schedules vary by region. The Ohio Consortium Schedule is a specific bulk upload schedule to that region. Please reference the Ohio Consortium Clinical Site Members to confirm you are following the correct schedule for each clinical site.
Manage Rotation Catalog - Clinical Sites
Member Types:
The rotation catalog system allows clinical sites to set rotation availability for a given unit.
Create Units
Member Types:
You can easily create 'Units' for your clinical institution, allowing you to have multiple units.
Member Types:
A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience or course assignment.

A rotation is typically between a school and a clinical site.
Export Selected Rotation Data
Member Types:
Export selected rotation data to a single CSV file or multiple files. The Mass Export All feature exports all rotations and member information into one CSV file.
Rotation Data Report
Member Types:
The Rotation Data Report is a custom report based on the selected member type.
Rotation Table Configuration
Member Types:
Customize your rotation tables to display specific information and manage rotations more effectively.
Rotation Member Audit
Member Types:
The Member Audit screen allows you to view a member's status and when that status has changed for that Rotation.
Rotation Advanced Scheduling
Member Types:
ACEMAPP enables you to communicate the exact dates for a rotation, even when they are irregular.
Create New Member Account
Member Types:
Create new member accounts for Students, Clinical Faculty, Preceptors, and Observers using the "Add One" feature.
Rotation Requirement List
Member Types:
The Rotation Requirement List allows you to see any items members assigned to the rotation roster need to complete and how it affects their compliance.
Partner Rotation Report
Member Types:
This report displays your organization's partners by program, the number of rotations with the partner, and the number of members joined to those rotations. Optional filters include partner entity, rotation status, program, and rotation dates.
Rotation Member Report
Member Types:
The Rotation Member Report is a way to view your members by rotation, along with information on the rotation.
Rotation Comments
Member Types:
Commenting on rotations is a great way to communicate with your school or clinical site partners regarding a specific rotation. Every comment made on a rotation will prompt an automated email notification to fellow coordinators within the same program.
Assign Member(s) to Rotation
Member Types:
When you assign a member to a rotation, they receive notification of the rotation details and are prompted to check their account for clinical requirements. Students or Faculty can access clinical site requirements only after being assigned to the rotation.