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Opt-Out Email Messages
Member Types:
While constantly getting email notifications can be annoying we have an Opt-Out feature that turns off these notifications so you do not not need to mark ACEMAPP email as Spam.  Once an email is tagged as Spam it is always considered as Spam/Junk and any email sent will not reach your inbox.
Email Verification
Member Types:
You will not be able to access your account without verifying your email. We will send a verification email to each email address on your account. Please check your email inbox, including spam folders, and click the link provided within the email to complete the verification process. Verification emails are valid for seven days, after which they will expire.
Member Types:
Broadcast Messaging is a feature that can be used to email multiple people using ACEMAPP.
Email Verification Report
Member Types:
This report provides a list of members who have not verified their email addresses.
Opt-out Email Report
Member Types:
ACEMAPP allows members to control the messages or emails they receive from ACEMAPP. The Opt-out Email Report will enable you to view the members associated with your organization who have opted out of emails.
Tips & Tricks: ACEMAPP Automated Emails
Member Types:
In this video, we cover some of the important emails that are sent automatically by ACEMAPP. The information we cover applies to all ACEMAPP administrators.
Requesting ACEMAPP Support
Member Types:
If you have any questions, concerns, or general feedback about ACEMAPP, we are happy to provide support via email at You may also contact us by phone at 844-223-4292.
Profile Completion Report
Member Types:
After the rotation is approved and everyone assigned to the rotation shows compliance, you will receive an email with a Profile Completion Report attached. You may also access an up-to-date Profile Completion Report in ACEMAPP.
Approving Affiliations with Schools or Clinical Sites
Member Types:
As an ACEMAPP member, your affiliations represent who you work with the system and which organizations can access your information. When a school or clinical site requests an affiliation, you will be notified via email and see the "You Have a Pending Affiliation Request(s)" notification upon logging into ACEMAPP.
On Site Report
Member Types:
View members on-site for rotations at/from partnering organizations on any given date. Use optional filters, such as course, unit, or partner, to narrow your results. You may email members directly from this report and export results to a CSV format.
Roster (Profile Completion Report) Sent
Member Types:
Rosters track members (students, faculty, etc.) that will be at each clinical site. The rotation roster gives the clinical site access to view the rotation information, member compliance records, and member profile data. The Rotation Roster Set email includes a link to download the Profile Completion Report.
Rotation Comments
Member Types:
Commenting on rotations is a great way to communicate with your school or clinical site partners regarding a specific rotation. Every comment made on a rotation will prompt an automated email notification to fellow coordinators within the same program.
Forgot Password
Member Types:
After your ACEMAPP is created, you will receive a verification email and a link to set your password to log in. You can easily reset your password if you cannot find the set password link with the "Forgot Password" option.
Preceptor Time Log Review
Member Types:
The Time Log feature allows for students to enter and track their time with a Clinical Site and its preceptor. As a Preceptor, you may be required to approve these Time Logs.
Completing Evaluation Awaiting Approval
Member Types:
When you receive a notification that you have an evaluation "Awaiting Approval," follow these steps to review the evaluation and sign off electronically.
Uploading Your ACEMAPP Requirements
Member Types:
Completing your ACEMAPP requirements is an essential first step toward participating in a clinical rotation. The documents you upload through ACEMAPP are available for your school coordinator to review.
Viewing Evaluation Results
Member Types:
If your organization allows faculty reporting on evaluations, follow the process here to view evaluation results.
Add an Existing Member to a New Program
Member Types:
Add an existing member to a new program or change their current program.
Partnership Directory: Contact Coordinators
Member Types:
The partnership directory "Contacts" page displays contact information for coordinators with other organizations.
Membership Period: How to Make a Payment
Member Types:
Your membership date is set by your School Coordinator upon registration into ACEMAPP, and is good for one year. This information is located on the left-side of your dashboard in the "Membership Period" window.
Learning Materials for Students & Faculty
Member Types:
Your school and/or clinical site requires you to complete courses and assessments prior to the start of your rotation.
Managing Expiring Members
Member Types:
If your organization pays for member accounts (i.e., Students), you will receive a notification on your ACEMAPP home screen. This notification will let you know when you have upcoming invoices that contain member accounts that are about to expire.
Export Selected Rotation Data
Member Types:
Export selected rotation data to a single CSV file or multiple files. The Mass Export All feature exports all rotations and member information into one CSV file.
View Connected Professionals
Member Types:
Viewing professionals who have expressed interest in your careers or who you have requested to connect with takes place in the View Connected Professionals table. 
Viewpoint Screening
Member Types:
ACEMAPP interfaces with Viewpoint Screening to simplify the compliance process for members.