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Profile, Payment, and Home Page Navigation
Member Types:
Member guide to completing the profile, submitting a membership payment, and navigating to the home page in ACEMAPP.
Membership Period: How to Make a Payment
Member Types:
Your membership date is set by your School Coordinator upon registration into ACEMAPP, and is good for one year. This information is located on the left-side of your dashboard in the "Membership Period" window.
Download & Print Receipts
Member Types:
After making your ACEMAPP membership payment, you can download and print an invoice by following this guide
Getting Started with ACEMAPP
Member Types:
Let's get you started with ACEMAPP and find the right user guide for you.
Assure Member User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Assure is a professional document review service with personalized service and support. You are responsible for uploading your Assure requirement documentation for review. Documents are stored on a secure platform and can be accessed anytime by your file manager in ACEMAPP.
Student User Guide
Member Types:
ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment. Your responsibility is to stay up to date with your ACEMAPP account, including checking your inbox for reminders and alerts.
Overview of Student Home Page
Member Types:
You must navigate to your Student Home page to complete your Requirements, Custom Fields, and Learning Materials. You can also check your Announcements, Affiliations, and Rotation Details here.
Learning Materials for Students & Faculty
Member Types:
Your school and/or clinical site requires you to complete courses and assessments prior to the start of your rotation.
Managing Expiring Members
Member Types:
If your organization pays for member accounts (i.e., Students), you will receive a notification on your ACEMAPP home screen. This notification will let you know when you have upcoming invoices that contain member accounts that are about to expire.
Billing: Administrators
Member Types:
The Billing Page shows Invoices to your organization as well as detail.
SE Michigan Schedule and Clinical Site Members
Member Types:
Rotation upload schedules vary by region. The Southeast Michigan Consortium Schedule is a specific bulk upload schedule to that region. Please reference the Southeast Michigan Consortium Clinical Site Members to confirm you are following the correct schedule for each clinical site.