Article: Overview of the Rotation Table

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Article: Overview of the Rotation Table content

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Overview of the Rotation Table
Member Types:

Navigate to the Rotation Table

Access the Rotation table by clicking the "Rotation" tab.

Rotation table highlighting Rotations button.

The rotation table filters example.

Rotation Table Tabs

Rotation Table button group example.


It allows you to customize and order the data in your rotation table.
You can de-select or re-order the "Chosen Fields"and drag and drop additional fields from the "Available Fields."

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Rotation Table Configuration

Rotation Config table highlighting Available Fields and Chosen Fields section.


You can create one or multiple rotation requests.

Rotations Table highlighting Create dropdown and Create One and Create Multiple buttons.


Allows quick access to rotation reporting options.

Rotations table highlighting Reports dropdown and Queary, Calendar, Block Schedule Report, and All Rotation Reports buttons.


Allows you to replicate previously created rotation rotations and export the rotation data.

Rotations table highlighting Select dropdown and Replicate Selected and Export Selected buttons.


  • Announcements:
    Manage announcements is set based on a permission/feature. Please contact us if you are interested in this.

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Rotation Announcements

Rotations table highlighting Manage dropdown and Announcements button.

Rotation Experiences

These are the different Rotation Experience Types you can request:

Cohort Rotation: A rotation that will accommodate a group of students learning under a clinical instructor/faculty.
Course Assignments: Course Rotations are used for assigning members to courses for things such as Case Logs, Time Logs, and Faculty Student Document Management.
Mentorship: Mentorships are rotations requested by Mentees
Precepted Rotation: A rotation where students will be working with a preceptor
Staff: Staff Rotations allow the assignment of Staff members
Staff Led Group: Rotations for students led by staff members

Rotation table highlighting experience filter buttons.

Rotation Statuses

These are the different rotation statuses are staged in:

Bulk: Rotations requests created but NOT submitted for clinical site review
Pending: Created rotation requests submitted and awaiting clinical site review
Approved: Rotation requests approved for placement (Does NOT indicate student compliance)
Needs Info: Rotation requests that need more information before a decision can be made for approval
Completed: Rotations move to Completed after the end date arrives Withdrawn: Approved Rotations that are no longer needed
Denied: Rotation requests that can not be approved
Archived Completed: Rotations with a past-due End Date that is over a year old
Archived Denied: Rotation requests that can not be approved that are over a year old
Archived Withdrawn: Approved Rotations that are no longer needed over a year old

Rotation table highlighting rotation status filter buttons.

Rotation Table Features

Records per Page:

Allows you to expand the records per page.

Rotation table highlighting table option records per page.


You can search by Rotation ID #, entity, and/or member.

Rotation table example highlighting Search field.

Select All Box:

Allows you to select all rotations to bulk decide, replicate, or export.

Rotations table example highlighting Select All check box.

Action Icons:

  • Edit: Allows you to edit the rotation request, leave a comment, assign members, and see history.
  • Comments: Leave a comment on the rotation for the partner to view.
  • Quick Decide: You can change the rotation status quickly.
  • Profile Completion Report:You can generate the roster csv.
  • See Students: View students assigned to rotations.
  • Member Documents: Manage member documents when this icon turns blue.
  • Evaluations: Only appear if assigned to the rotation. See evaluation responses attached to a rotation.

Rotations table example highlighting Actions buttons.

Sort Columns:

This feature enables you to sort each column in the rotation table.

Rotations table example highlighting column sorts.

Horizontal Scroll:

Moves the table to view data from left to right.

Rotations table example highlighting horizontal scroll bar.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

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Create A Rotation
Please follow these steps to create a rotation request with one of your partnered entities in ACEMAPP.
Export Selected Rotation Data
Export selected rotation data to a single CSV file or multiple files. The Mass Export All feature exports all rotations and member information into one CSV file.
Replicate Rotations
The Replicate Rotations tool allows you to re-request rotations previously created in ACEMAPP. When replicating rotations, you will have the opportunity to change the details of the rotation and add new rotations based on your current needs.
ACEMAPP Reporting
ACEMAPP's Reporting feature allows administrators and clinical coordinators to pull information from within ACEMAPP. Coordinators can select from the multiple reporting options and build and save custom reports for regularly ran queries.
Block Schedule Report
The Block Schedule Report allows you to view member rotation assignments by custom blocks.
Rotation Schedule Report
Build and save a customized view of rotations either present or historical. Save queries to also run at a later date.
Create Multiple Rotations with Spreadsheet
ACEMAPP allows School Coordinators to create and upload rotations from a CSV file. Additional rotations can be added after the CSV file has been uploaded.
Create Multiple Rotations in Bulk
Create multiple rotations at one time using the same Partner, Experience Type, and Program
Rotation Table Configuration
Customize your rotation tables to display specific information and manage rotations more effectively.
Rotation Announcements
The Rotation Announcement system allows announcements to be released and sent to both clinical and school coordinators when a rotation matches specific, pre-defined criteria.