Tag: Rotation Management | Page 3

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Tag: Rotation Management | Page 3 content

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Create/Add Course Info for Rotation Requests
Member Types:
This article will outline how to create courses for rotation requests, as well as how to add additional course information in ACEMAPP.
Export Selected Rotation Data
Member Types:
Export selected rotation data to a single CSV file or multiple files. The Mass Export All feature exports all rotations and member information into one CSV file.
Faculty Document Access
Member Types:
Faculty document access allows faculty members assigned to a rotation to manage requirement documents associated with that rotation. Schools may contact ACEMAPP Customer Support to enable the faculty document manager feature.
Faculty Document Manager
Member Types:
The Faculty Document Manager is a feature that (when enabled by the school) allows faculty to manage student requirement documents associated with any rotation they are assigned to.
Manage Rotation Catalog - Clinical Sites
Member Types:
The rotation catalog system allows clinical sites to set rotation availability for a given unit.
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