Tag: Communications | Page 1

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Tag: Communications | Page 1 content

Contact Us
Broadcast Messaging
Member Types:
Broadcast messaging allows school and clinical users to communicate with members through ACEMAPP directly. After sending a broadcast message, users can view if and when recipients have opened the message.
Coordinator Contact
Member Types:
The Coordinator Contact Form allows you the ability to update your contact information and share with other coordinators.
Email Verification
Member Types:
You will not be able to access your account without verifying your email. We will send a verification email to each email address on your account. Please check your email inbox, including spam folders, and click the link provided within the email to complete the verification process. Verification emails are valid for seven days, after which they will expire.
Managing Announcements
Member Types:
This article provides an overview of the Announcements feature, which allows you to create announcements displayed on the homepages of your members or users in ACEMAPP. Announcements can include upcoming deadlines, parking instructions, orientation dates, etc.
Opt-Out Email Messages
Member Types:
While constantly getting email notifications can be annoying we have an Opt-Out feature that turns off these notifications so you do not not need to mark ACEMAPP email as Spam.  Once an email is tagged as Spam it is always considered as Spam/Junk and any email sent will not reach your inbox.
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