Overview of Partnership Directory

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Overview of Partnership Directory
Member Types:

The partnership directory is where schools and clinical sites manage their partnerships in ACEMAPP. This help desk guide provides an overview of the partnership directory and its features.

Access the partnership directory

From your home page, access the partnership directory by clicking the "Partnerships" tab.

Image shows home page highlighting partnerships tab.

Partnership Directory Table Tabs

partnership directory nav-bar highlighting search, documents, communications, referrals, and map buttons

Search For New Partners

Click "Search For New Partners" to locate new clinical sites or schools that you would like to request a partnership with.

Partnership Documents

Click the "Partnership Documents" tab to view and manage your partnership documents, such as affiliation agreements, professional liability insurance records, and policy documents.

Coordinator Communications

The Coordinator Communications report allows you to filter, view, and export coordinator contact information from your active partners.


The referral feature allows you to send invitations to partner organizations to become ACEMAPP members.

Partnership Map

Click "Partnership Map" to view an interactable map highlighting the locations of your active partners.

Action Buttons:

Image shows partnership directory buttons under actions column.

Manage Partnerships

Click the "Manage Partnerships" (gear) button to view active, incoming, and outgoing partnership requests or to request new partnerships.

View Entity Info

Click the "View" (eye) button to view the Entity Profile, where you can see more information about the entity in ACEMAPP.

NOTE: Click on the hyperlinked partner name under the Partner Name column to view the Entity Profile.

Manage Documents

Click the "Documents" (paper) button to view all documents shared with individual partners in ACEMAPP.


Click the "Contacts" (bullet list) button to view contact information for coordinators with other organizations.

Additional Options

Show / Hide Columns

Click the "Show/hide columns" button to view additional columns in your partnership directory table. Additional options include the "Earliest Contract Start Date" and "Earliest Contract End Date". Select these two options to include them as columns in your partnership directory table. The dates displayed are the earliest contract start and end dates listed out of all programs the two entities are partnered for.

Image shows show/hide columns button and additional option select buttons.

To learn more, please contact ACEMAPP Support at 844-223-4292 or email us at support@acemapp.org.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

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Partnership Directory: Contact Coordinators
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The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.
Partnerships Requests
The partnership directory is where schools and clinical sites manage their partnerships in ACEMAPP. Use the partnership directory to request new partnerships and manage partnership documents. Schools must have an active partnership with the clinical site to request a rotation.
Partnerships: Approve & Deny Requests
The partnership directory is where schools and clinical sites manage their partnerships in ACEMAPP. Use the partnership directory to manage partnership requests and partnership documents.
Partnerships: Document Manager
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