Article: Overview of Rotation Request Form

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Overview of Rotation Request Form
Member Types:

Navigate to the Rotation Request Form

The Rotation Request Form is displayed after you click the "Create Rotation" tab and enter the Experience, Program, Partner & Save.

Create New Rotation form highlighting Create Rotation button and Program and Experience selectors in form and Save button.

You can access a previously submitted rotation request form by clicking the "Rotation" tab and "Edit" icon under the Action column in the Rotation Table.

Rotation Table highlighting Edit button.

Comments & History:

The "Comments" section is a widely used tool to communicate with the school and clinical partners regarding the rotation request details. The History section tracks all interactions with the rotation request form.

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Rotation Comments

Edit Rotation page highlighting Comments & History tab and New Comment text area.


The "Conflict Checker" can be used to ensure no scheduling conflicts with other rotations. The Conflict Checker will search for any conflicts based on the following fields: Unit, Start/End Date, Days of the Week, and Shift Start/End.

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Rotation Conflict Checker

Edit Rotation page highlighting Conflicts button and Conflict panels example.


Displays the "Schedule" you selected for the duration of the rotation.

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Rotation Advanced Scheduling

Edit Rotation page highlighting Schedule button and Schedule section example.


An option to upload "Files" directly into a rotation. This can be helpful if you wish to provide additional items or information to the partnering entity.

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Upload Files into an Existing Rotation

Edit Rotation page highlighting Files button and Manage Files panel example.

Students, Faculty & Preceptors:

School Coordinators must assign members to the rotation to access clinical onboarding.
Clinical Sites can view assigned members and check compliance here.

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Assign Member(s) to Rotation

Edit Rotation page highlighting Students, Clinical Faculty, Classroom Faculty, and Preceptor members panel example and Assign checkbox column.


After the rotation is approved and everyone assigned to the rotation shows compliance, you will receive an email with a "Profile Completion Report"** attached. You may also access an up-to-date Profile Completion Report in ACEMAPP.

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Profile Completion Report

Edit Rotation page highlighting Completion tab and Rotation Completion Reports panel example.

Member Audit:

"Member Audit" shows a history of the member status of anyone assigned to the rotation.

Edit Rotation page highlighting Member Audit button and Member History panel example.


It is helpful to sort students in ACEMAPP using "Tags." You can create tags by graduating class, cohort, or any other way that may be beneficial. You can also add multiple tags to student accounts.

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Tags

Edit Rotation page highlighting Tags button and Tags panel example.

Service Lines:

"Service lines" are an additional feature that your organization may choose to utilize. This feature allows you to add other groups or requirements to your rotation.

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Add Service Lines to a Rotation

Edit Rotation page highlighting Service Lines button and Service Lines panel example.


Your tab order may vary depending on your browser width, but you can find additional features under the "More" tab.

  • Evaluations:
    Please see our help desk guide for reference: Managing Evaluations

  • Req. List:
    Once your members are assigned to the rotation, you can view the clinical site requirements necessary for onboarding. Please see our help desk guide for reference: Rotation Requirement List

  • Run Roster Sender:
    The Rotation Roster will only send to a clinical site partner assigned to a rotation once the Rotation is in Approved status and all assigned members have met compliance.
    Please see our help desk guide for reference: Receiving Rotation Roster

  • Roster Log:
    The Roster tracks members assigned to a rotation and gives the clinical site access to view the rotation information, member compliance records, and member profile data.
    Please see our help desk guide for reference: Roster (Profile Completion Report) Sent

Edit Rotation page highlighting More dropdown button and additional buttons.

Edit the Rotation Request Form:

Complete all required fields. The Status will be "Pending" review of the clinical site, and then click "Save." If you have questions about any of the fields required, enter something, save it, and use the Comment section to communicate with the site coordinators.

NOTE: The required fields in the Edit of the rotation will vary depending on the information requested by each clinical site.

Please see our help desk guide for reference: Create A Rotation

Edit Rotation request example.
Edit Rotation request example highlighting Save button.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The roster tracks members assigned to a rotation and gives the clinical site access to view the rotation information, member compliance records, and member profile data.

The roster tracks members assigned to a rotation and gives the clinical site access to view the rotation information, member compliance records, and member profile data.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

Related Articles

Rotation Comments
Commenting on rotations is a great way to communicate with your school or clinical site partners regarding a specific rotation. Every comment made on a rotation will prompt an automated email notification to fellow coordinators within the same program.
Roster (Profile Completion Report) Sent
Rosters track members (students, faculty, etc.) that will be at each clinical site. The rotation roster gives the clinical site access to view the rotation information, member compliance records, and member profile data. The Rotation Roster Set email includes a link to download the Profile Completion Report.
Rotation Requirement List
The Rotation Requirement List allows you to see any items members assigned to the rotation roster need to complete and how it affects their compliance.
Managing Evaluations
Generate and distribute customized evaluations to your members.
Add Service Lines to a Rotation
Service lines are an additional feature that your organization may choose to utilize. This feature allows you to add other groups or requirements to your rotation.
It is helpful to group members in ACEMAPP using tags. You can create tags for students by graduating class, cohort, or any other way that may be beneficial. Members can have multiple different tags, as well.
Profile Completion Report
After the rotation is approved and everyone assigned to the rotation shows compliance, you will receive an email with a Profile Completion Report attached. You may also access an up-to-date Profile Completion Report in ACEMAPP.
Assign Member(s) to Rotation
When you assign a member to a rotation, they receive notification of the rotation details and are prompted to check their account for clinical requirements. Students or Faculty can access clinical site requirements only after being assigned to the rotation.
Upload Files into an Existing Rotation
You now have the option to upload files directly into a rotation. This can be a helpful feature when there are additional items or information you wish to provide to the partnering entity.
Rotation Advanced Scheduling
ACEMAPP enables you to communicate the exact dates for a rotation, even when they are irregular.
Rotation Conflict Checker
You can utilize the Conflict Checker to confirm there are no scheduling conflicts with other rotations. It scans for conflicts based on Unit, Start/End Date, Days of the Week, and Shift Start/End fields.
Create A Rotation
Please follow these steps to create a rotation request with one of your partnered entities in ACEMAPP.