Article: Overview of Student Home Page

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Article: Overview of Student Home Page content

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Overview of Student Home Page
Member Types:

You must navigate to your Student Home page to complete your Requirements, Custom Fields, and Learning Materials. You can also check your Announcements, Affiliations, and Rotation Details here.

Navigate to Your Student Home Page

Please click your "Name" in the upper right corner and select "Student" under "Navigation."

Member top nav-bar highlighting avatar/name dropdown and Student button in navigation panel.

Depending on your school or clinical site affiliations, you may see only some of these features, which may vary in the order in which they appear. Your browser width will determine if some features are housed under the "More" tab.

Member nav-bar example.

Please review the help desk guides below on the primary features of the student home page:

Dashboard, Requirements, & Student Notifications

Member home page highlighting Dashboard, Student Notification, and Requirements panels.

  • The Dashboard tile allows you to switch to additional member types (if you have more than one) and enables you to set your default home page. Please see our help desk guides for reference: Navigating Between Dashboard and Member Home Pages

  • Read the Requirement Description for instructions. You may need to upload a requirement document directly here or check to see if your school enters completion dates for you. You may also need to utilize a third-party vendor based on your school or clinical site's requirements. Please see our help desk guides for reference: Uploading Your ACEMAPP Requirements and Uploading Tiered Requirements

  • Student Notifications alert you to items like membership renewal, pending evaluations, and pending member approval needed.

Vendors & Affiliations

ACEMAPP works with various third-party vendors to help streamline your background check and/or immunization processes. If your school or clinical site requires you to use an integrated vendor, you will see their logo here. The Affiliations section shows who you are connected with in ACEMAPP and your compliance with those entities.

Members home page example highlighting Vendors and Affiliations panels.

Please see our help desk guides for reference:
Verify Students (Corporate Screening)
InfoMart (Advantage Students)
Complio (American DataBank)
Verified Credentials (QualifiedFirst)
Verify Students (Corporate Screening)
Checking Compliance with your Affiliations

Custom Fields, Announcements, & Learning Materials

Members home page example highlighting Announcements, Custom Fields, and Learning Materials panels.

  • Your clinical site may want to capture specific information from you. This information is collected in your Custom Fields. They can also be found in your Profile after you are assigned to a rotation. Please see our help desk guide for reference: Custom Fields

  • It is essential to review the Announcement section frequently as it contains important messages from your school or clinical site about requirements and rotation details.
    Please see our help desk guide for reference: View Announcements from Schools/Sites

  • Your school and/or the clinical site may require you to complete course modules, assessments, or attestations before the start of your rotation. Access to the Learning Materials within ACEMAPP does require an active membership. If you are required to purchase a membership, click the "Resume Payment" on your main Dashboard or click the "Make Payment" on the Billing screen. Please see our help desk guide for reference: Learning Materials for Students & Faculty


Member home page example highlighting Rotations panel.

  • After you have been assigned to a rotation in ACEMAPP, the rotation details and items required for compliance will appear at the top of your student home page. Please see our help desk guide for reference: View Your Assigned Rotation

Items Requiring Attention

You may see this pop-up when you have outstanding requirements, learning materials (tests), and custom fields. Click the drop-down to view each item. Please note that pending documents are incomplete requirements until they have been approved by your school or clinical site.

Items Requiring Attention pop-up example.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

A custom field is part of the profile displaying customized fields from an entity.

A course, module, or assessment.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

The 365-day access period for any billable member type.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

A custom field is part of the profile displaying customized fields from an entity.

A course, module, or assessment.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A custom field is part of the profile displaying customized fields from an entity.

A course, module, or assessment.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

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Student User Guide
ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment. Your responsibility is to stay up to date with your ACEMAPP account, including checking your inbox for reminders and alerts.
Uploading Your ACEMAPP Requirements
Completing your ACEMAPP requirements is an essential first step toward participating in a clinical rotation. The documents you upload through ACEMAPP are available for your school coordinator to review.
Uploading Tiered Requirements
Tiered requirements allow multiple options to meet the standard for the requirement. These options, or "tiers," are determined by the organization for which the requirement is set up.
Verify Students (Corporate Screening)
ACEMAPP interfaces with Verify Students (by Corporate Screening) to simplify the compliance process for members. Verify Students is used for background checks and drug screens.
InfoMart (Advantage Students)
ACEMAPP interfaces with Advantage Students (by InfoMart) to simplify the compliance process for members. Advantage Students provides background check and drug screening services.
Complio (American DataBank)
ACEMAPP interfaces with Complio (by American DataBank) to simplify the compliance process for members (i.e., Students, Faculty, etc.). Complio's services include background check and drug screen processing, as well as clinical requirement verification.
Verified Credentials (QualifiedFirst)
ACEMAPP interfaces with QualifiedFirst® to simplify the compliance process for you. QualifiedFirst® (by Verified Credentials) is used for background checks, drug testing and clinical requirement verification.
Checking Compliance with your Affiliations
The Affiliations section on your Home page will show compliance for the school and rotations you are affiliated with in ACEMAPP.
Custom Fields
Your school or clinical site may gather information using Custom Fields. Custom Fields are located on your home page and can also be accessed through the Custom Fields tab of your profile.
View Announcements from Schools/Sites
Announcements are located on the bottom-left side of your dashboard. They are created by either your school and/or the clinical site at which you will be attending your rotation(s) and contain important information, so be sure to check here often.
Learning Materials for Students & Faculty
Your school and/or clinical site requires you to complete courses and assessments prior to the start of your rotation.
Navigating Between Dashboard and Member Home Pages
Access your dashboard for easy navigation between your member home pages. Set a default home page to be directed to that page upon login.
Membership Period: How to Make a Payment
Your membership date is set by your School Coordinator upon registration into ACEMAPP, and is good for one year. This information is located on the left-side of your dashboard in the "Membership Period" window.
ACEMAPP Applications can serve a number of purposes. Applications can be used to assist with rotations, affiliation requests, employee affiliations, etc. 
Completing Your Profile
Completing your profile is an essential step to meet clinical rotation compliance. This guide from the help desk offers instructions for filling out each section of your profile.
Your ACEMAPP ePortfolio
Your ACEMAPP ePortfolio acts as an online resume that can be made publicly visible to fellow ACEMAPP users, as well as colleagues and employers. Access and share information such as your education, work experience, clinical experience, and your accomplishments in one easy place.
Accessing Your ACEMAPP Transcript
Your ACEMAPP transcript is a great way to review and export the information stored in ACEMAPP. Your ACEMAPP transcript includes your general profile information, requirements & assessments history, rotation history, and other information stored in ACEMAPP.
My Calendar
The ACEMAPP My Calendar is a valuable tool that allows you a broad view of important dates, such as expiring requirements, events you signed up for, and rotations you are assigned to.
Requesting ACEMAPP Support
If you have any questions, concerns, or general feedback about ACEMAPP, we are happy to provide support via email at You may also contact us by phone at 844-223-4292.
Create Case Logs
The Case Log system allows students to document their case log information into ACEMAPP. It is important to document the breadth of your experience and to monitor your experience to ensure you have adequate volume and variety.
Create Time Logs
Time logs track your time spent with preceptors. You can connect your time logs to the specific skills that were observed, assisted with, or performed during your time with your preceptor.
Approving Affiliations with Schools or Clinical Sites
As an ACEMAPP member, your affiliations represent who you work with the system and which organizations can access your information. When a school or clinical site requests an affiliation, you will be notified via email and see the "You Have a Pending Affiliation Request(s)" notification upon logging into ACEMAPP.
Completing Evaluations
Your school and/or clinical site may assign you an evaluation to complete in ACEMAPP. You will receive a notification on your home page when you have an evaluation that you need to complete.
Submitting Personal Schedule
Personal schedules allow you to track non-rotation events, such as class schedules or time with your preceptor.
View Students Assigned to Rotations
Follow the steps outlined in this help desk guide to view your rotations and the students assigned.