Tag: Additional Features | Page 3

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Tag: Additional Features | Page 3 content

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Create Assure Members and Assign Packages
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Assure offers professional document review services to its members. This help desk guide provides instructions for Assure School Users on how to create Assure member accounts and assign Assure packages.
Create or Edit Your Community Profile
Member Types:
Your community profile allows you to share information about your organization with ACEMAPP members. To create or update your entity's community profile, please follow the steps outlined below.
Entity Profile
Member Types:
ACEMAPP Entity Profiles provide a space for schools and clinical sites to share information about their facilities.
Expiring Indicators
Member Types:
Expiring Indicators School users now have the option to see an orange "expiring" indicator when students are 30 days or less from a requirement expiring. This way, school coordinators are able to monitor member standings.
Member Types:
School Coordinators can see a faux view of a member's account (student, high school student, company staff, and observers). This feature is view only with no option to click on anything but will give you an idea of what the member sees from their main dashboard.
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